This is a view I had alot of, a pilot from the "Fearless Five" navigating with a map that any tourist could buy of the glaciers and mountains of northern Pakistan.
Me looking out of the window of a Marmot Alpinist Tent in C3 on the Cesen Route, Gerlinda took the photo.
Me at C1 on Broad Peak. Quadrat Ali followed me to camp 1 and then we rested and took turns breaking trail in the deep snow to camp 2, while the rest of the summit push members came up behind. K2 is behind me.
Me, a few porters, Jordi C. and Jonathan inside a MI 17 on the way to Latok II. The heli stopped at Dassu to drop off half the porters and Jordi and Jonathan, then Pari II to drop off more porters and gear and then finally 3 hours later dropped me in BC. Then it shuttled everybody and the gear to join me. A long process.