Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nanga Parbat - Rupal Face - Dispatch 7. The end

On the 3rd of September we struggled back up to C2 to find that the 2-3 ft of fresh snow we had previously been caught in was now 4-5ft.We dug for hours to find most of C2, and we decided enough was enough.


We arrived at BC almost 5 weeks ago, and so far have only had 4 bluebird days. The forecast calls for more rain and snow. There is no chance to acclimatise for the face. We have decided to pack up and go home.


Yesterday, Saturday the 6th, we retrieved all our gear from c1 in a blizzard. Billy, Dave and I are safe and sound back in BC where it has now been snowing for the last 24 hours.


Thank you very much to Marmot, CAMP, Scarpa and Cilogear, and all the individuals that helped us. I hope we work together next year again on my next trip, and next year when we return to the face.