Monday, January 07, 2008

2 Bottles of Beer is all it takes!

Well, 2 bottles of beer is all it takes to be convinced that Humar is the greatest. On Sunday night I went to the premier of the "History of Slovenes on Broad Peak", part of a series created by Viekki Groselj. It was interesting to see, as it compared footage from this year, 2007, from Irena Mrak, to Franc Knez and Andrej Stremfelj in 1986. Viekki went to Salzburg and interviewed Diemberger and had some cool footage and photos from the first ascent with Buhl. It was cool to see them all there (minus Diemberger and obviously Buhl) and the evening was a sort of who's who of Slovenian alpine climbing - which brings me to the two beers. After the viewing I was introduced to Tomaz Humar, and then quickly invited to have a beer with a few people. Humar and I started talking about "stuff", which lead to him taking off his sock and showing me the effects of Annapurna. He opened up - which I have a feeling he does with many people - and discussed alot of super cool things. In my mind Babanov and Humar vie for greatest Alpinist of all time. Their achievements are unparallel. Humar was a vivacious guy, full of energy and very positive energy. It was clear to see immediately why he had become such a hero to the Slovenian people. I must admit I only had 45 minutes to chat with Tomaz, but am very grateful. He for sure is on the right path!